

Home & Leisure

Java Fluff

Zola on

Fitbit Mania

When the “10,000 steps a day” craze started, my husband and I bought in. We strapped pedometers to our waistbands and got hoofing it.

Over our lunch break, we’d tie up our athletic shoes and head to the dog park around the corner. It’s a big park. Two blocks long on each side. We’d walk at a brisk pace around the park three times. Each time we passed the doggie play section, we could see what the canines were up to. We got our entertainment as well as our steps.

By the end of day, we’d easily surpass our 10,000 steps goal. Yay, us.

But did I lose any weight in the process? Nope. Not a pound.

Fast forward to 2017 and the Fitbit craze is in full gear.


I had no intention early in the week to write about Fitbit but I’ve been getting negative comments about them from clients, so I decided to check into this further...

Read the full column at

Java Fluff

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