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The Kitchn: How to make the softest, squishiest slider buns

Miro Uskokovic, on

What’s a better bread vehicle for a burger or spicy fried chicken sandwich than a soft, squishy golden bun? Well, a cute, tiny version of that pillowy bread — aka a slider bun!

Tender, soft, squishy, and melt-in-your-mouth are all terms associated with a texture of a perfect bun — regular or slider-size. To achieve that delicate crumb, we must use bread dough enriched with fatty ingredients like butter, oil, and egg yolks, and dairies like cream or milk. In this recipe, we add cream cheese, an ingredient that not just helps with a delicate tender texture, but also adds a lovely lactic flavor. Adding fresh cheese to dough can be found in many cultures across Eastern Europe and Asia.

The history of sliders

The term “slider” is believed to have originated in the mid-20th century and was popularized by United States Navy sailors who used the term to refer to a greasy miniature burger. The mini burger we know today was first associated with and popularized by the fast-food chain White Castle.

Do you need a stand mixer to make homemade slider buns?

Although this recipe calls for a stand mixer, the dough can be made entirely by hand. Be aware that if made by hand, you must give this dough a good kneading action, most likely lasting 15 to 20 minutes, or until a smooth but softish dough forms.


What to make with homemade slider buns

Mini burgers are the most obvious way to use slider buns, but there are so many more possibilities!

Slider Buns

Makes 18 (3-inch) buns


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