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The Kitchn: There’s nothing quite like homemade beef broth

Tara Holland, on

Beef broth is one of the key ingredients in beef stews, pot roasts, and a variety of comforting beef dishes. Although there are many good-quality beef broths available to buy at the store, there is nothing quite like making your own and adapting the flavors and seasonings to your own taste or what you’ll be using it for. It is also delicious and comforting to drink a hot cup of bone broth during the colder winter months — especially if you’re feeling under the weather.

Beef broth vs. beef stock

Although they can be both used interchangeably in most recipes, there are some differences.

Best meat bones for beef stock

I like to roast a variety of meaty, gelatinous bones to get the best flavor and consistency. It’s also more cost effective to include cheaper cuts and bones — just check with the butcher to see what they have! Here are some examples of meaty beef bones:

Add tomato paste for a rich flavor


I like to add a couple of tablespoons of caramelized tomato paste to my broth. This not only makes the broth richer in flavor, it helps give a better color. Usually this is done on the stovetop and caramelized along with the carrots, celery, and onions (this is a French culinary method called pinçage). However, adding it to the baking sheet to roast for 30 minutes is a quick hack to avoid that step.

Why add red wine vinegar?

Some people believe that adding vinegar to broth or stock to the water when it’s boiling helps draw out the minerals; others think it’s a myth! True or not, I like to add vinegar, especially acidic red wine vinegar, to beef broth, as I feel it helps balance out the flavor and fattiness from the gelatinous bones.

Tips for clearer, better beef broth


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