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The Kitchn: Turn your Thanksgiving leftovers into lasagna

By Meghan Splawn on

When you've had your fill of turkey sandwiches and turkey soup, but there are still leftovers waiting to be eaten in the fridge, choose greatness. And by greatness we mean a towering lasagna filled with layers of roasted Brussels sprouts, creamy sweet potatoes, Thanksgiving stuffing and of course, turkey. One might even argue that this next-day meal is even better than the main event itself.

Lasagna is the greatest way to eat Thanksgiving leftovers

How's that for a proclamation? But hear us out. Over time, the traditional Thanksgiving menu has evolved to include dishes that go well together. Or perhaps our palates have evolved to enjoy the food that's traditionally served together. It's your typical chicken or the egg scenario.

But even if you're the type of person who doesn't like their food touching on the plate, Thanksgiving is the exception. Cranberry sauce with that turkey? Oh, yes. A bite of mashed potatoes with a bit of green casserole? Yes, please.

Come Friday, we're trying to figure out a way to relive the glory of that meal all over again -- just without the effort. With that in mind, we present this Thanksgiving leftover lasagna. Consider it an invitation to let your leftovers get a little handsy all in one dish.


Use no-boil noodles and remember the gravy

A successful leftover lasagna relies on two things: no-boil lasagna noodles, and the right amount of moisture. By replacing the classic noodles with no-boil noodles (sometimes labeled as oven-ready noodles), you can skip the boiling step required for traditional lasagna. Besides cooking up faster with less up-front work, the no-boil noodles also make lasagna make-ahead friendly. The noodles aren't cooked before storing or freezing, so they are less likely to get soggy while they wait to be baked.

Also, because most of the lasagna components are already cooked, the ingredients won't have a ton of moisture to release as the lasagna bakes. In place of a red sauce or a bechamel, we'll rely on gravy. The gravy provides moisture, but also a decent amount of starch to act as a glue between the leftovers and the lasagna noodles. Out of gravy? Make a quick batch.

Freezing leftover lasagna


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