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India police deny presence of a leopard at PM's swearing-in


Published in Cats & Dogs News

(UPI) Police in India said an animal spotted in the live broadcast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's swearing-in ceremony was not a leopard, despite rumors on social media.

Viewers of the live broadcast Monday noticed a large feline walking in the background while Modi was sworn in for his third term at Rashtrapati Bhavan, the prime minister's Delhi residence, and some social media users said it appeared that a leopard had found its way into the building.

The rumors ended up being reported on by news media, leading Delhi Police to respond on social media.


"Some media channels and social media handles are showing an animal image captured during the live telecast of oath taking ceremony held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan yesterday, claiming it to be a wild animal," police wrote. These facts are not true, the animal captured on camera is a common house cat. Please don't adhere to such frivolous rumors.

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