/Home & Leisure
Ask the Vet: Cat Scratching Posts Must Be Tall, Stable and Numerous
Q: We read your column about the importance of not declawing cats -- or, as you put it, amputating their toes. We're convinced! Now our question is: What can we do to prevent our cats from scratching our furniture?
A: Multiple toe amputation, euphemistically called declawing, causes long-term medical and behavioral problems in cats. Readers who...Read more
Ask the Vet: Probiotic May Reduce Dog's Tear Staining
Q: Cosette, my 5-year-old white toy poodle, has always had bronze staining beneath both eyes. Every year, her veterinarian examines her eyes and says they look fine, so I assume the bronze staining isn't a medical problem. What causes it, and what can I do about it?
A: Tear staining is the most common cause of bronze discoloration of the hair ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Many Treatment Options for Feline Hyperthyroidism
Q: Codi, our 13-year-old cat, needs methimazole for his hyperthyroidism, but he won't take it. I've tried crushing his quarter-tablet and mixing it with pilling treats and various wet foods mixed with a flavor enhancer, but nothing works. I'm at my wit's end trying to get him to take his medicine. Any suggestions are welcome.
A: Hyperthyroidism...Read more
Ask the Vet: Aflatoxins in Pet Foods Sicken and Kill Dogs
Q: My neighbor's healthy, young dog died suddenly of liver failure. The vet thinks the cause was aflatoxins in a new bag of dog food, since the food was later recalled. How can I prevent something similar from happening to my dog?
A: Aflatoxins are poisons produced by molds, particularly Aspergillus molds, that grow on grains such as corn and ...Read more
Ask The Vet: Prevent Cats From Using Potted Plants by Making Litter Boxes Appealing
Q: At least one of our cats has been urinating and defecating in the large potted plants in our family room. Fortunately, no one is eliminating elsewhere outside their litter boxes. How can we stop our cats from using our large planters as their litter boxes?
A: You'll need to take two steps to solve this problem. First, make your cats' litter ...Read more
Ask the Vet: No Dog Breed Is Hypoallergenic
Q: I recently got a Havanese puppy, Marcos, who was supposed to be hypoallergenic. However, every time I'm near him, I break out in hives, sneeze and get itchy eyes. Would modifying his diet make him less allergenic?
A: I'm sorry to hear you are allergic to your new pup. Unfortunately, no dog is hypoallergenic, and no dietary modifications, ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Empty and Lonely Home
Q: Ever since my cats died, my home has felt empty and lonely. The local cat rescue is offering for adoption some cats that tested positive for the feline leukemia virus and/or the feline immunodeficiency virus.
I want to share my home with two of these "special needs" cats, but I don't know much about these viruses and what's involved in ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer in Cats
Q: Tao, our 11-year-old part-Siamese cat, was diagnosed with lymphoma. He has always been an active, healthy indoor cat, so I don't understand how this could have happened. What causes lymphoma in cats?
A: I'm sorry to hear about Tao's lymphoma, also called lymphosarcoma. It is the most common cancer in cats -- and the incidence is higher in ...Read more
Ask The Vet: Battery Ingestion Can Cause Severe Damage
Q: We're pretty sure our dog, Holly, ate a remote control with its batteries, because we can't find it anywhere. She seems normal. What should we do?
A: Take Holly to her veterinarian immediately for a physical exam and radiographs, often called X-rays.
If Holly did eat the remote, or even just a battery, she could develop severe medical ...Read more
Ask The Vet: Ear Mites Contagious to Pets, Not People
Q: My new kitten Nala has ear mites, for which my veterinarian prescribed treatment. I know from reading your column that some animal parasites also infect people. Can Nala's ear mites jump to me? What about my other cat?
A: Ear mites, the most common cause of ear infections in cats, are highly contagious among cats and dogs, particularly ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Declawed Cats Suffer Chronic Pain
Q: I recently adopted a kitten named Joy from a rescue that prohibits declawing. When I signed the adoption agreement, I planned to have her declawed anyway. Now that it's time to make the appointment, I feel uneasy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of declawing?
A: The term "declaw" is a euphemism for the elective amputation of all ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Treatments Help Dogs With ALS-Like Disease
Q: Gretchen, our 9-year-old German shepherd, recently developed hind leg weakness. Her veterinarian recommends testing for degenerative myelopathy.
Many years ago, another of our shepherds had degenerative myelopathy. His condition deteriorated quickly, because there was no treatment for the disease.
Is effective therapy available now? If so, ...Read more