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Family guide to new movie releases

Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service on

Published in Parenting News


Rated R for strong bloody violence throughout, rape, language throughout, sexual content/nudity and drug use.

What it’s about: A poor fighter works his way toward the top of a powerful leadership organization in order to enact his childhood revenge.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is a very bloody action/revenge film.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Don't abuse vulnerable people — their children will grow up with violence and hatred in their hearts.

Violence: Extreme bloody violence including, beatings, shootings, stabbings and bitings.


Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: Sexual exploitation, sex work, human trafficking, sexual assault, sex scenes and graphic nudity.

Drugs: On-screen drug use including cocaine.

Parents’ advisory: Way too violent and mature for kids. This one is for mature teens only.


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