Senior Living





Dania Maxwell/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Pandemic-era meal delivery program is set to end. Thousands of LA seniors could go hungry

LOS ANGELES — Tim Icely did everything he was supposed to do to save up for retirement. He worked 27 years in hospitality and hotel management before he was furloughed during the pandemic and forced to retire at 74.

Icely is now 76, single with no dependents and no spouse, living on his own in Van Nuys. Half of his Social Security check goes ...Read more

Social Security and You: Common Questions

I recently did a radio show, and the host asked me what the most common questions I get are. I told her they can be divided into two broad categories: politically oriented questions (usually about the financing of Social Security) and program-related questions (mostly about Social Security benefits). She told me to stick with the latter. I ...Read more

Sean Pavone/Dreamstime/TNS

US News and World Report’s most affordable places to retire in 2024

Last September, the cheapest U.S. housing market offered homes at $229,000, while the priciest market asked $787,000. That’s why retirees looking to move somewhere more affordable can rest assured there are communities that likely offer homes for less than their area — much less.

Of course, choosing an affordable place to retire is about ...Read more

Vlad Ghiea/Dreamstime/TNS

The top pros and cons of retiring in Florida

From armadillo infestations to natural disasters, the Sunshine State isn’t always the postcard-perfect retirement getaway it’s cracked up to be. Still, transplants are flocking to Florida in massive numbers.

According to a recent NBC News report, more than 700,000 people moved to Florida in 2022 alone — making it the second-fastest-...Read more

Carl Juste/Miami Herald/TNS

These Black veterans served in multiple wars. Now they meet daily at a Miami McDonald’s

MIAMI -- For more than 20 years, a group of Black military veterans has gathered at a McDonald’s in North Miami-Dade for breakfast every morning of the year, except for Christmas.

The group, which can reach nearly 20 people on a good day, holds court at table 112 starting around 9 a.m., though they often stay until long after the menu has ...Read more

Does my company insurance work with Medicare?

Senior Living / Toni Says /

Dear Toni,

I am 67 and have group health insurance through my current employer, with a high deductible. My question is, should I have also enrolled in Medicare, even though I am still working? If so, who pays my claims first? I have talked with friends, my company’s HR department, their insurance agent and get answers from “I don’t know�...Read more

Steve Lopez/Los Angeles Times/TNS

He was the oldest man in the US, and his loving caretaker was with him to the end

The oldest male in the United States was a man of many appetites, even at 110, and his live-in caretaker did her best to feed them.

Rosario Reyes would make banana pancakes for Morrie Markoff, and he would plead for more syrup. She'd bring him a corned beef sandwich, followed by a piece of lemon meringue pie, and reluctantly give in when he ...Read more

Social Security and You: Don't Fret Over Social Security Starting Date

I am always hearing from readers who are hung up on making sure they start their Social Security benefits at precisely their full retirement age. Or at precisely the age of 70. They don't want those benefits a month before. They don't want them a month after. They want to make darn sure that their benefits start at exactly the month they chose ...Read more

Steve Lopez/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Steve Lopez: He was the oldest man in the US, and his loving caretaker was with him to the end

The oldest male in the United States was a man of many appetites, even at 110, and his live-in caretaker did her best to feed them.

Rosario Reyes would make banana pancakes for Morrie Markoff, and he would plead for more syrup. She'd bring him a corned beef sandwich, followed by a piece of lemon meringue pie, and reluctantly give in when he ...Read more

Monica Herndon/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

This Marine dropped out of school at 17. At 72, he's fulfilling his promise to his mom to graduate

PHILADELPHIA — Call him the Rip van Winkle of Benjamin Franklin High: Joseph Bond dropped out of high school at age 17, as war raged in Vietnam, leaving without a diploma.

Over 55 years, he served his country, built a career, a family, a life. But as he hit his 70s, Bond remembered the promise he made to his mother before she died: He vowed ...Read more

Michael Blackshire/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Older men die by suicide at steep rates. Here's how the VA is trying to change that

LOS ANGELES -- It was a Friday morning and George McCune had roused himself to make the 2.4-mile trip from his Northridge home to the Veterans Affairs campus in North Hills.

The 77-year-old was greeted there that March day by the usual crew training for the Golden Age Games: There was Roger, 82, who had piled up medals in javelin, discus and ...Read more

Monica Herndon/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

This Marine dropped out of school at 17. At 72, he's fulfilling his promise to his mom to graduate

PHILADELPHIA — Call him the Rip van Winkle of Benjamin Franklin High: Joseph Bond dropped out of high school at age 17, as war raged in Vietnam, leaving without a diploma.

Over 55 years, he served his country, built a career, a family, a life. But as he hit his 70s, Bond remembered the promise he made to his mother before she died: He vowed ...Read more

Michael Blackshire/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Older men die by suicide at steep rates. Here's how the VA is trying to change that

LOS ANGELES -- It was a Friday morning and George McCune had roused himself to make the 2.4-mile trip from his Northridge home to the Veterans Affairs campus in North Hills.

The 77-year-old was greeted there that March day by the usual crew training for the Golden Age Games: There was Roger, 82, who had piled up medals in javelin, discus and ...Read more

Al Diaz/Miami Herald/TNS

‘You are a legend’: After 65 years, this high school counselor is retiring

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Dan Finora, 90, credits his time in the military for giving him the discipline to wake up every morning at 5:30 am for the past 65 years to get ready for work at Coral Gables High School.

After a decades-long career, Finora, beloved school counselor and former business manager of Coral Gables High School will pack up his ...Read more

Al Diaz/Miami Herald/TNS

'You are a legend': After 65 years, this high school counselor is retiring

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Dan Finora, 90, credits his time in the military for giving him the discipline to wake up every morning at 5:30 am for the past 65 years to get ready for work at Coral Gables High School.

After a decades-long career, Finora, beloved school counselor and former business manager of Coral Gables High School will pack up his ...Read more

Enrolling in Medicare over 65 with health issues

Senior Living / Toni Says /

Hello Toni,

I am retiring on January 1 and am beginning to search for the right Medicare option for me and my wife, who is having treatment at a local cancer center. Her cancer treatment drugs are expensive, and I am concerned about the Medicare Part D out-of-pocket. I am a diabetic and use a flex pen and take high blood pressure medications. ...Read more

Monica Herndon/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Positively ballroom, absolutely fabulous: In these dance classes for the blind, grace and rhythm rule the night

It may have been an ordinary Wednesday night everywhere else in the Delaware Valley. But on one dance floor in Haddonfield, New Jersey, disco fever was alive and well.

“One-two-three-four and circle!” called out instructor Gene LaPierre, as 10 pairs of dancers twirled to the 1970s dance classic “The Hustle.”

Carmella Smith of West Oak ...Read more


New help for dealing with aggression in people with dementia

Caring for older adults with dementia is stressful, especially when they become physically or verbally aggressive, wander away from home, develop paranoia or hallucinations, engage in inappropriate or repetitive behaviors, or refuse to let caregivers help them.

Upward of 95% of patients experience these neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia, ...Read more

Monica Herndon/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Positively ballroom, absolutely fabulous: In these dance classes for the blind, grace and rhythm rule the night

It may have been an ordinary Wednesday night everywhere else in the Delaware Valley. But on one dance floor in Haddonfield, New Jersey, disco fever was alive and well.

“One-two-three-four and circle!” called out instructor Gene LaPierre, as 10 pairs of dancers twirled to the 1970s dance classic “The Hustle.”

Carmella Smith of West Oak ...Read more


New help for dealing with aggression in people with dementia

Caring for older adults with dementia is stressful, especially when they become physically or verbally aggressive, wander away from home, develop paranoia or hallucinations, engage in inappropriate or repetitive behaviors, or refuse to let caregivers help them.

Upward of 95% of patients experience these neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia, ...Read more