Life Advice



Ask Amy: Cohabiting couple struggles to unpack their ‘stuff’

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Because you two have such opposing styles – and are quick to label each other as having a serious disorder – it would be important to sit down with a couples therapist who could help you to sort out, rearrange, and unpack the considerable baggage you each bring into this relationship.

Dear Amy: You and I are about the same age, and I’m wondering if some of our peers did something wrong raising their kids?

When I walk in my suburban neighborhood (I’ve done this every day for years), I say hello to everyone, whether they are sitting on their porch, or out walking the same or opposite way as me.

Most everyone the same age as me (or older) returns the greeting.

Everyone from approximately age 50 and below will either glare at me or act like I’m not there.

Amy, what is up with that? Why is it acceptable to be so rude?


These are not children, so “not talking to strangers” is not the problem!

What is your take on this?

– Perplexed in Suburbia

Dear Perplexed: During my travels, I’ve noted general regional differences regarding how outwardly “friendly” strangers are to one another.


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