Life Advice



Ask Amy: Mother needs a border wall

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Wondering Wife

Dear Wondering: Given what is going on right now, it’s hard to imagine attending this kind of event, but in the absence of details, I’ll offer this: If your husband truly does not want to attend, you can answer, “He’s so sorry he couldn’t be here, but he had to keep the home fires burning.” Keep it vague.

Most second-hand or thrift shops carry decent men’s shirts. Depending on the place and time of this gathering, a crisp white shirt, necktie, sport coat, and chinos should cover it.

(And remember: everything goes well with a mask.)

Dear Amy: “Worried Relative” described “Danny,” a 9-year-old boy caught in a toxic family crossfire.

At 9, I was trapped in a family much like Danny’s. I knew something wasn’t right because I had other families in the neighborhood and on TV to compare.


What I always wanted but never found was an adult I could trust to talk to who could simply tell me my feelings were valid, and I was not the problem.


Dear Survivor: This is heartbreaking. I hope “Worried Relative” follows your (and my) advice to keep in touch and be a supportive presence for this boy.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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