Life Advice



Ask Amy: 'Boy problems' resurface in middle age

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I live in a suburban area with large homes and large lots between them.

Now that spring is here, I am spending as much time as possible outside, gardening. Gardening is my passion - I spend much of the winter planning out my garden beds and combing through seed catalogues.

The other day one of my neighbors called me and (more or less) chewed me out for violating the area's "shelter in place" order.

Honestly, I was so shocked, I didn't know how to respond. Now I'm wondering if I have somehow done something wrong.

Can you weigh in?

-- Growing Gardener

Dear Gardener: Grow in peace, my friend.

Digging in the earth on your own plot, while maintaining a healthy distance from others, does not expose you - or anyone else - to the coronavirus. Furthermore, if you expand your efforts to put in a few extra rows of vegetables, you will have healthy food to eat and to share come harvest time.


Dear Amy: Responding to the current COVID crisis, I'd like to share the following observation: I think people are becoming "more so..." If they were kind and thoughtful and inclined to be loving before, now they are more so. They are finding ways to help, and finding those who need help, whether it is through sharing their time, money, or kindness.

And those of us who were angry and scared and suspicious before, sadly, are now "more so."

-- Larry

Dear Larry: This is astute. I'm going to carry your wisdom with me for a long time.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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