Life Advice



Teen is troubled by bouts of acute anxiety

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Being a teenager is tough. Being a teenager with anxiety is tougher. All of the new experiences and challenges coming your way can seem overwhelming. Instead of sorting through your busy days and putting thoughts and feelings in some kind of manageable order, your anxious brain is on high-alert and is racing faster than it should.

Your school counselor or library should have a copy of "My Anxious Mind: A Teen's Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic," by Michael A. Tompkins and Katherine A. Martinez (2011 Magination Press). Both authors are counselors who work with teens, teaching effective strategies for confronting that anxious bully in your brain. You are not alone, and this book (and others written for teens) will help.

Dear Amy: My brother recently told me that his daughter, whom we haven't seen in years, won't visit us unless we let her dog have access to both our main upstairs living space and the downstairs. My brother knows that having a dog upstairs would cause me stress, and so that's where I draw the line.

The downstairs is a daylight ground floor of nearly 1,800 square feet, with guest rooms, a kitchen, bathroom and large living room with a view of Puget Sound. We've hosted other relatives with pets who've been fine keeping them in the downstairs area during their stays.

There used to be rules of etiquette for guests that included not bringing a pet to someone's home unless it was invited by the host. We're happy to host our niece and her dog, but within reasonable limits.

Am I being unreasonable?

-- Sad Uncle

Dear Uncle: The rules for being a good houseguest haven't changed. You describe a very pleasant suite of rooms available to your niece and her dog. If you would like to invite her to visit, you should contact her directly and spell out the accommodations available to her and her pooch. Let her respond directly to you, instead of using her father as a go-between.


Dear Amy: Responding to the question from "Mom of Fantastic Frump," I grew up with a mother like this and it took years of therapy to escape the mental prison of her incessant judgment.

To this "frumpy" daughter I say: Keep on being you, regardless of what Mommy Dearest thinks!

-- Been There

Dear Been There: I agree!


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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