Life Advice



Professor wants to be rid of racist books

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

The museum might have ideas for how to handle your books.

Otherwise, I well understand your reluctance to burn these books. However, if you are not able to place them in a reputable collection, and if you believe that these books are NOT unique and represent historical racist ideas readily available elsewhere to scholars, then I think you should consider destroying them in a symbolic fashion. Perhaps you could shred them and add the shredded material as mulch for a garden. Let something beautiful or nutritious grow from these ugly ideas.

Mark the occasion by donating to a cause furthering racial understanding. Perhaps the Jim Crow Museum could use funding to add staff to handle their growing collection.

Dear Amy: A year ago, I found out that my wife had been secretly talking to another guy.

Three weeks ago, she came clean to me about sleeping with him last year and having a brief affair with him.

I don't know what to do when it comes to the marriage at this point. I'm not sure if we should work it out or if we should get divorced.


I feel like I can't forgive her, but I also don't want to lose my family.

I'm very hurt and all I keep thinking about is what she did with him. I keep having these images in my head. Please, help me?

-- Hurt Husband

Dear Hurt: I want to assure you that you can forgive your wife. But will you? That is up to you.


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