Life Advice



Parents want boyfriend to go, daughter follows

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

-- Caught in the Middle

Dear Caught: The whole point of an ultimatum is to present a clear choice, surrounded by natural consequences. "Tamryn" responded to yours, made her choice, and now you and her mother can hope for these things: that she is happy, healthy, and safe, that she continues to mature and grow and that she decides to have a friendly relationship with you two.

Her mother and you should keep in touch with her. Encourage her to walk a positive path of schooling and/or work, and let her know that you would enjoy seeing her and "Brian" any time.

Invite, but don't beg, her to spend time with you. Offer, but don't force, normal parental assistance and emotional support. Basically, respect her and keep the door open for a continued relationship. She is in a transitional time of life, and this period can be tough on parents, even under optimal circumstances. Everybody needs to be patient.

Dear Amy: After meeting someone through playing bridge online, do you think I should continue the mild flirtations with him, even though I am married?

He is not married, and by our second correspondence I told him I was definitely married.


Can men and women be friends and indirectly (or directly) flirt, as long as they don't follow-up or personally meet up?

I'm behaving myself, but definitely flirting.

-- Madame X

Dear Madame X: Let's have a looksee at the Golden Rule, which is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


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