Life Advice



Father wants to foxtrot at Daddy/Daughter dance

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Should I broach this matter with my child now, while I can supply lots of information and reassurances, or let the future happen as it may?

-- Wondering

Dear Wondering: You should lovingly tell your adult child the truth. Assure them that they are and always will be your child, and that you adore and love them as only a father can.

Give them plenty of space and time to process this information.

I think there is some likelihood that this child of yours may have perceived differences with siblings over the years, and wondered where these differences originated. Encourage your child to pursue this as much -- or as little -- as they choose, and reassure them that you are there, every step of the way. The genetic information alone would probably make this worth pursuing.

Dear Amy: "Real Mother" was still upset that her son confused her for his mother-in-law years ago while emerging from anesthesia.

Ten years ago in college, my friend had to be put under for an emergency operation. When he awoke, he asked me, "Tiana, I knew you were with me. Will you marry me?"


My name's John. I later joked with him that he really should have a ring with him next time he proposes. It's much more fun than holding a grudge!

-- Still Laughing

Dear Laughing: You'll always be Tiana to me.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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