Life Advice



Parents wonder how to encourage actress daughter

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I am a lucky dad to have three great kids: ages 26, 24 and 22. They are dealing with life's curveballs like all of us do, and they are all doing very well.

Our youngest daughter began competitive dance at four, started acting and singing at 14 and graduated from college with a degree in musical theater.

Her goal is to be on Broadway. She is so alive on stage! Her energy and enthusiasm is contagious.

Because this field is so competitive, we are trying to keep her focused and positive. She is very talented and outworks everyone. She is also very sensitive. It is hard on her when she doesn't get hired after an audition.

She has gotten some roles, and not gotten others.

My wife and I totally support her decision to work in this field, but how should we help her deal with her success and failures throughout her career?


Do you have any suggestions for how to help her stay encouraged in a healthy way?

-- Supportive Parents

Dear Parents: My own advice to you parents is that you insist that your daughter should work. She should look for temp or restaurant jobs that will accommodate her acting classes and auditions. Working will keep her grounded and busy -- and connected to other young actors and artists.

She will need to learn to manage and modulate her reactions to rejection. Every artist faces rejection throughout their career. And you will have to do the tough parenting job of letting go.


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