Life Advice



Ex-husband keeps his former wife on the hook for money

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I felt he came on too strong, and seeing a couple of minor red flags scared me off, so I followed my gut instinct and declined his second date.

Now I'm thinking that I was too hasty in my decision.

Should I contact him to pursue this relationship, or should I move on? This has been nagging at me. I could be out dancing instead of writing this!

-- Standards Too High?

Dear Standards: Too often, women ignore or override their own instincts, and then later wonder why they didn't pay attention to their own good sense.

You shouldn't conflate this rational choice you've made with having impossible standards. Trust your instincts!

True -- oversharing and/or coming on too strong are also common "rookie" behaviors for people re-entering the dating scene. You should keep all of this in mind, and if you decide to pursue this for a second date (not lifetime companionship), tread cautiously.

Dear Amy: It is great that "Anti-Potluck Guy" likes to provide all food for his guests, but some people prefer to share the work.


Why can't this guy simply offer to bring an appetizer, wine, rolls, etc., that he can pick up at the store?

In our family we prefer potluck, and for those people who either don't want to cook (or can't!) this works. I would rather enjoy the company than sit at home and sulk!

-- Potluck Fan

Dear Fan: I agree. Thank you.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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