Life Advice



Readers respond on how to handle chronic lateness

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Readers: I recently ran a question from "Prompt In-Law," who reported that her beloved daughter-in-law was chronically late. In my answer, I reflected on this common annoyance. I suggested that the MIL should speak with her frankly about it, continue with their on-time plans and take separate transportation to avoid frustration.

I've received hundreds of responses to this letter. With the holiday season approaching, I thought I would share readers' experiences. Here is a sampling:

Dear Amy: I have struggled with time optimism (ok, chronic lateness) my entire life. I know it is disrespectful of others and I feel terrible when I am late.

I try to get seven things done when another person would recognize there is only time for five; I underestimate the traffic; I run back into the house for an item I forgot every time I leave the house (and sometimes several times).

I have two points to share for parents of disorganized children.

1) Try not to yell when you are already late. I'm already anxious, and the yelling means every thought falls right out of my head. Wait for a quieter moment to correct the late child.


2) Try to teach your child to break down the process of leaving the house into steps. This will be obvious to you but less obvious to those of us who are easily distracted: "We're leaving in 15 minutes. Did you pack your bag? Do you know where your coat is? Where are your keys? Do you have a water bottle?"

As she gets older, try, "We're leaving in 15 minutes. Tell me what you need to do before we get out the door."

-- The Time Optimist

Dear Amy: I used to run 20 to 30 minutes late for everything. I rationalized that I was just busy. One day, a close and brave friend confronted me when I was late for lunch.


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