Life Advice



Elderly mother's friend pressures her to donate money

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Worried: "Mary" wasn't too shy about confronting you directly when your mother's donation was cut off. You should follow her lead and be very open and honest about Mary's choice in terms of monetizing her relationship with your mother.

If she is performing "companion" services for your elderly mother, this has real value that many people in a similar situation would happily pay for. You should communicate with both Mary and your mother and introduce the concept of simply paying her an hourly wage, with a maximum number of hours per week.

There are some definite red flags here concerning Mary's influence over your mother and her willingness to manipulate and pressure her, but your mother has the right to choose her own friends, and to spend her pocket money the way she wants to.

You should be gentle, understanding and willing to work something out -- while continuing to keep a close and tender eye on your mother, her household and her finances.

Dear Amy: I am a woman coming up on my 38th birthday.

I know many women who knew they wanted to be moms since they were little girls. Not me. As an adult, the faint urge came at 27 when I met my husband, but we never decided to take the plunge.

I gave myself until 30, then 30 turned into 35, and here I am at 38. I've even gone to therapy to make sure I'm not missing something.

My husband says he's fine with either choice.

Even though my family has been great about not pressuring me, there is so much pressure from society, TV, commercials -- everywhere -- that a woman must give birth to fulfill her destiny.


I have led an experientially rich life, helping others in careers with what I consider my God-given gifts. Is there something wrong with a woman who doesn't feel the need (or urge) to have children?

-- Confused about Kids

Dear Confused: Nope. There is nothing at all "wrong" with you. Being childfree is a choice, and a perfectly legitimate one to make. Unfortunately, given societal pressure to have children, it can sometimes seem like a radical choice. There are online interest groups devoted to being childfree -- you might receive more support and positive reinforcement by connecting with other people who feel exactly as you do.

Dear Amy: Thank you for your support of "Husband and Father," who, after three children, did not want to have any more. Too often, you automatically side with women. It's your knee-jerk feminism showing, so I was surprised to see that you backed up the man here.

-- Surprised

Dear Surprised: Um ... thank you?


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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