Life Advice



Early abuse strains adult relationships

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Broken: You have signed your letter "Broken," and you are basically acting out your own "brokenness" now.

The one person you don't seem to have confronted is your own grandfather -- the person who did this to you. Part of your coming out might be to write him a letter, saying exactly what you want to say. As it is, you are assuming other family members will deliver your message for you.

Your choice to share a "kill child molesters" meme on Facebook is something like your mother texting your husband in order to communicate with you. You are all talking with someone other than the person you really want to talk to.

I am urging you to get professional and group-guided help to deal with your childhood trauma. The person who diagnosed your PTSD should guide you toward ongoing help and support.

Yes, your husband should say to your mother, "If you want to talk to your daughter, you should contact her directly." I agree that your mother should respect your wishes regarding your child's contact with your grandfather. But calling her "a piece of crap" is not going to engender respect from her, even if this statement is true.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline has a very helpful online chat function: Communicating with a counselor will help.


Dear Amy: I'm a young adult woman. My friend and I recently took a trip out of town for a quick weekend getaway. She said we could stay with a male acquaintance she knew through other friends.

When we arrived, she and the guy really hit it off. They ended up sleeping together the first night and I was privy to hearing all their activity while attempting to sleep in the next room.

I chose to get my own hotel room the following night, in order to get a decent night's sleep.

My friend was upset that I wouldn't stay at her friend's place that night. What should I have done?


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