


Move Over, Sam Spade. The HR Supersleuth is Here.

Business / Bob Goldman /

"2-Hour Virtual Seminar on Workplace Investigations: How to Conduct Your Investigation like a Pro."

"As an employer you have a duty to investigate...but what if you have a recalcitrant complainant, wrongdoer or witness?" -- HRTraininngs

It was a dark and stormy day.

I was sitting in my office in the HR department, trying ...Read more

Managing To Be a Manager

Business / Bob Goldman /

Let's face it: It's taken a lot of time and effort for you to become the perfect employee.

And it has definitely been worth it.

Your co-workers trust you. Your bosses ignore you. Everything is wonderful, everywhere you go. But then something happens to ruin it all.

You get a big, fat promotion.

Don't blame me! If you read this column ...Read more

Reference This

Business / Bob Goldman /

When are they going to pop the question?

I'm not talking trivialities, like when your sweetie asks, "Will you marry me?" or when Mr. Rogers asks, "Will You Be My Neighbor?"

No, I'm talking about a major ask -- "Will you be my reference?"

It's flattering when a co-worker sees you as reference material. The problems begin when the only thing ...Read more

When Your PIP Becomes a RIP

Business / Bob Goldman /

You didn't do anything wrong.

Not much, anyway. And what you did screw up really wasn't your fault.

Still, you got the blame. Worse, you got the PIP.

PIP. It stands for "performance improvement plan." While a PIP is supposed to be a positive, proactive mechanism for erasing blunders and securing your future with the company, it can also be ...Read more

Is Your Boss a Lunchable?

Business / Bob Goldman /

What could be more risky than having lunch with your boss?

It could certainly go well, giving you the opportunity to show the person who controls your future what a deep, caring and wonderful employee you are, but the more likely outcome -- the much more likely outcome -- is that all you will show is what a shallow, uncaring and awful ...Read more

Rebrand Yourself. It's Later Than You Think.

Business / Bob Goldman /

It's not enough!

These days, you need more than a great resume, awesome reccos, a winning personality, unbounded energy, unbridled accomplishments and a fashion sense that has made you the envy of your office. These days, you also need a brand.

According to Rice University, "a brand is the distinct set of feelings, perceptions, attitudes and...Read more

Are You Young Enough To Retire?

Business / Bob Goldman /

You've been waiting forever. Is today the day you finally do it?

Let's check the calendar.

Do you have a big meeting today? A critical lunch? A major nap break in the supply closet that you simply cannot miss? "No." "No." And "Maybe."

If your calendar for today is a big black hole, I have a suggestion.

Make today the day you retire.

Sure,...Read more

Worrying About Worrying at Work?

Business / Bob Goldman /

Do you worry about work?

I can't imagine why.

You have the perfect job. You have a boss who respects you. You have co-workers who love you and clients who think you're the cat's pajamas. You also have an eye-popping salary with perks galore and big fat raises lined up from here to retirement.

You don't?

Well, maybe you should worry. Maybe,...Read more

Vacation Is Over. Your Problems Are Just Beginning.

Business / Bob Goldman /

Vacations are important, especially for someone who works as hard as you do -- or, should I say, someone who works as hard as you do trying to make it look like you do work hard.

This is true whether you frolicked at the beach or romped in the mountains or just stayed home, restoring your chi by the latest exercise craze -- power hammock ...Read more

The Answer to Your Career Problems? Hang Up the Phone!

Business / Bob Goldman /

Remember phone calls?

Remember when the phone rang, and you answered? There was never a worry that your caller was a spam factory in Kyrgyzstan, helpfully informing you that a valuable package was hung up in customs and all they needed to release it was the number of your credit card, your 16-digit PIN and the ZIP code of your phlebotomist.

...Read more

Has Your Career Reached Critical Mess?

Business / Bob Goldman /

What's wrong with you?

If you're not exactly sure, let me tell you. Or, better yet, let your boss do it.

Bosses are always ready to tell us what we're doing wrong. What we're doing right? That's a job for someone else. Like your labradoodle. A quick etymological look at the word "supervision" says it all. You have "vision." Your boss has "...Read more

How to Brand a Brand-New You

Business / Bob Goldman /

What's the difference between you and tube of toothpaste?

The toothpaste has branding consultants who spend millions every year to educate the public on its qualities. You don't. This is why everybody knows what the toothpaste can do, while you remain an unknown entity, undervalued by many and misunderstood by most.

It's all about branding, ...Read more


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