Politics, Moderate



Thurber’s Tail: Can our puppies change our hearts and our world?

Tom Purcell on

The first month I had him, I spent so much time caring for him, playing with him and laughing — and so little time on the internet and social media — I barely knew what was going on in the world.

But being offline had an unexpected blessing. I wasted no time engaging in fruitless debates with strangers about politics.

And because I basically stopped watching cable news, I was spared the divisive news and opinions that never stop coming out of Washington, D.C.

For the sake of America, I wish everyone would invite a puppy into his or her home. Reason magazine helps explain why.

Pets are an antidote to anger

According to Reason, politics is seeping into every aspect of our daily lives and ruining everything.


“Americans are choosing jobs, brands and friends for partisan reasons,” the libertarian magazine reports.

This is because Americans are becoming way too serious — way too lost in the narrowness of their limited, subjective, partisan points of view.

“Agree with my opinion on all cultural and political matters, or I won’t be your friend,” think many.

“I’ll report you to the HR department for offending my sensitivity,” think others.


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Copyright 2022 Tom Purcell, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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