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Thurber’s Tail: Can our puppies change our hearts and our world?

Tom Purcell on

And it wasn’t long before my furry bundle of joy was sitting on my beloved leather recliner, staring at me with black, doughy eyes that transformed me into a pat of butter in a frying skillet.

The truth is the training strategy still isn’t going well — though he’s teaching me as fast as he can.

My dog is a bundle of joy

His endless cuteness, hilarity and affection as a puppy melted my heart and made me laugh out loud all day long. Now almost two-years-old, his antics still make me laugh out loud daily!

He never stops reminding me that the world is a place of constant wonder — and that there’s a lot to experience if you keep your eyes — and nostrils! — as wide open as his.

When he first experienced snow, he couldn’t dance in enough of it.


He still plays with a chunk of frozen dirt with more intensity than he does a store-bought toy.

I fell so hard and fast for my little guy, he changed me quickly in ways I didn’t anticipate.

That first week he was home, I was so focused on his health and happiness I barely slept or ate or did anything for myself.

Dogs are good for civility


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Copyright 2022 Tom Purcell, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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