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Thurber’s Tail: Can our puppies change our hearts and our world?

Tom Purcell on

Editor's note: This column is based on an earlier, shorter version that was distributed by Cagle in February 2021.

Coffee. I needed coffee. And sleep. And food.

That’s the experience I had for weeks after I picked up my 8-week-old Lab puppy, Thurber, in February, 2021.

Before I got him, I was cocksure I’d mastered the proper training techniques to bend my little guy’s will to mine.

“No dog of mine is going Number One in my house,” I boasted to anyone who would listen.

“No dog of mine is going to lack discipline,” I protested.


“No dog of mine will sit on my furniture!” I said, arrogantly.

How did things work out?

I had my carpet cleaning company on speed dial — my cleaning service, too!

Discipline is overrated, after all, as it intrudes on fun.


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Copyright 2022 Tom Purcell, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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