From the Right



Pitching softballs to Joe Biden

Michael Reagan on

That softball produced a chuckle from Biden, who then rattled off some bogus middle of-the-road accomplishments for working-class people that was supposed to prove he was not a Bernie Sanders socialist but a mainstream Democrat.

That was it for Doocy. That was his one and only chance.

Unlike many other reporters, he got no follow-up question, so as far as conservatives are concerned, he might as well have been working for CNN.

As for Newsmax’s Rosen, he asked Biden “why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness.”

"I have no idea," said the president who quickly moved on to take more softballs, which he answered with pat answers that were clearly written down for him.

Biden didn’t apologize for the blunder in Afghanistan or $4 gasoline or any of his other fiascoes or mistakes.


He took responsibility for nothing, said everything was peachy and everyone would be better off if Republicans in the Senate would only pass his gigantic spending bills.

The only real news he made was when he said that a small incursion into Ukraine by Russia might be OK and that the 2022 midterms “could easily be illegitimate” because Republicans were blocking federal election reforms.

Both gaffes were walked back by Biden’s keepers about 30 seconds after he left the podium.

Biden’s rare press conference was an embarrassment for him. It was too long, too sad and too boring for most people to watch. It would have been much better if a real journalist had asked Biden one of these questions:


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Marshall Ramsey Bob Gorrell A.F. Branco Dana Summers Jeff Koterba Taylor Jones