From the Right



Dumbing Down Our Kids of Color

Michael Reagan on

What the people in charge of Oregon are doing is sad enough.

What’s even sadder is that Fox News and a dozen conservative pundits are the only ones who seem to be outraged.

I don’t expect the liberals at CNN or the New York Times to care. But where are the kids' parents?

Black and brown parents in Oregon and every major U.S. city who can’t afford private schools, or who are unable to homeschool their kids, should be marching and protesting and raising holy Hell with local politicians of both parties.

Black and brown communities should be voting out their school boards and demanding that schools get back to teaching the basics.

That means teaching their kids how to read, count and think – not what to think.


Most of all, though, black and brown parents should be demanding school choice, so that they are no longer forced to send their kids to the crappy public school in their designated district.

All parents should have as much choice in choosing their kids’ taxpayer-financed education as they do in choosing a car dealer or a grocery store – more actually.

Everyone would see how wrong – and stupid -- it would be if parents in poor city neighborhoods were forced by law to buy their food only at the crummy local grocery because it’s within the boundaries of a carefully drawn government “Grocery District.”

Parents should be given a school voucher for what their city school district spends per student – upwards of $20,000 a year in most big cities – and be allowed to spend it at any public or private school they want.


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Walt Handelsman Monte Wolverton Mike Smith Bart van Leeuwen Michael Ramirez Scott Stantis