From the Left



Trump Pardons Four Murdering War Criminals. That’s Our Boy.

Dick Polman on

Blackwater was founded and helmed by a guy named Erik Prince. Prince contributed $250,000 to the MAGA campaign mission in 2016, and had close ties to Steve Bannon. Prince’s sister is Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. DeVos is a former Michigan chairwoman of the GOP, and the DeVos family has contributed tens of millions to conservative causes.

And oh, I almost forgot: Shortly before Trump’s Inauguration, Prince had a back-channel meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker close to Vladimir Putin. He was later written up in the Mueller Report, and was accused by the House Intelligence Committee of making “manifest and substantial falsehoods that materially impaired the committee’s investigation” of the Trump-Russia 2016 scandal.

There you have it. Justice for 14 dead Iraqi civilians, including two children, was a disposable commodity. Denizens of the Trump swamp took priority over the rule of law - as did Trump’s abiding desire to screw Joe Biden. What can we possibly say at this point? Congressman Seth Moulton, a former Marine who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, gave it a shot on Twitter:

Those “convicted war criminals…are disgraces to our country, and they belong in jail. Thank God (Trump) is on the way out. Decent people everywhere should speak up against this, and show the world that America’s values are not what the president is displaying.”

One more mess for Joe to mop up.



Copyright 2020 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at Email him at

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