


Today's Word "debouch"

To emerge or issue on

Published in Vocabulary

debouch \dih-BOWCH; -BOOSH\ (intransitive verb) - 1 : To march out (as from a wood, defile, or other narrow or confined spot) into the open. 2 : To emerge; to issue.

(transitive verb) - To cause to emerge or issue; to discharge.

"The Brigadier, sitting upon a rock overlooking the valley, would watch the battle unrolled at his feet The Fore and Aft would debouch from the central gorge, the Gurkhas from the left, and the Highlanders from the right..." -- Rudyard Kipling, 'The Drums of the Fore and Aft'


Debouch comes from French déboucher, from dé- (for de), "out of" (from Latin de) + bouche, "mouth" (from Latin bucca, "cheek, mouth"). The noun form is debouchment.


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