Is There a Fossil in Your Phrase?
And now the renowned linguistic paleontologist Professor U. Stew Mean examines verbal fossils to discover the former meanings of words...
Hmmm... Here's the expression "walk tall," meaning walk proudly, bravely. True, "tall" could refer to physical height alone, and, yes, people do stand up straight when they're trying to look bold.
Aha! An ...Read more
The Bird Is the Word
Get your binoculars ready for some linguistic birdwatching!
The Latin word for bird, "avis," still soars quite plainly in several English terms -- aviary, avian and aviation, as well as in rara avis, literally meaning "rare bird" and, metaphorically, any rarity. (True slogan of Avis Rent-a-Car: "We fly harder.")
But the Latin word "avis" ...Read more
Burn Your Candle at One End
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to introduce the renowned motivational speaker Ward Back who will completely reverse your attitudes about life...
Thank you. Are you a reluctant beaver? A guilty bystander? A slim cat who got in on the top floor of an unsure-fire investment? Do you wish you were one of the great washed, a high man on...Read more
Take Their Word for It
When English lacks the precise word to convey a subtle or complex concept, it often smuggles in a word from another language to do the job.
Where would we be, for instance, without those hearty German immigrants' "zeitgeist" (the mood or spirit of an era) and "schadenfreude" (pleasure at another's misfortune)? Or without that uncanny Turk "...Read more
Metaphors Provide Two Loaves -- and Maybe a Load of Fish
A metaphor is a flash of lightning -- sudden, vivid and electric. In a single instant, it illuminates and clarifies meaning.
In a tribute to film critic Pauline Kael, for instance, New Yorker writer David Denby devised a metaphor that superbly captured Kael's cerebral yet natural style: "The point was to write as an intellectual without ...Read more
Why U.S. History Is Peppered With Silly Terms
As we prepare to celebrate our nation's 250th birthday next year, this secret can now be revealed: During the Constitutional Convention, the Founding Fathers repaired to a Philadelphia Publick House to hatch a sadistic linguistic conspiracy.
"Just to torture future high school history students," snickered James "Icky" Madison, "let's require ...Read more
Flag These Errors for Roughing the Passage
It's NFL playoff time or, as I call it, "Cabin Fever Consolation." You be the referee. The following pigskin profile of an imaginary team is laced with illegal procedures, false starts and personal fouls. Can you throw a yellow penalty flag at each of its 30 usage errors?
How did the Mudville Mudruggles make the playoffs? The principle reason ...Read more
'Pled' on Trial: Guilty or Not Guilty?
"She pled guilty."
That sentence in a newspaper article stirred Sara Solomon of Roscoe, Pennsylvania, to write, "Isn't 'pleaded' the past tense of 'plead'? Is there such a word as 'pled'?"
I can't plead ignorance. "Pled" is, indeed, a word. Whether you should use it is another question. The verb "plead," like the similar verbs "bleed," "feed" ...Read more
Take a Gander at These Goose Eggs
Readers have sent me a fresh batch of bloopers from newspapers and magazines. Can you spot the blots?
1. "The signets had matured and their gander seemed to have mended his bullying ways." Is this about swans or seals? 2. "Patients chose to go elsewhere or forego treatment all together." A group medical plan?
3. "The fact that he was a ...Read more
The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth
"I have been to the endodontist and the periodontist (and had dinner with my cousin, an orthodontist)," a reader wrote me a while back. "So why am I going to a dentist and not a dontist?"
And why am I thinking of a bad poem?
I once had a dentist named Don.
My orthodontist was Denny.
When Don had done drilling and Denny his billing,
No ...Read more
Coming to 'Terms' With 2024
'Twas twenty two four, and all through the nation,
The buzzwords were flying, to much consternation.
With "disinformation" and "narratives" false,
Our "journeys" diverged amid verbal assaults.
Kamala served "word salad," Trump did "the weave,"
Which of these two were we s'posed to believe?
The "trad wives" and "MAGAs" all frolicked like ...Read more
Twain Caught Twang, Twinkle of American Speech
We celebrate Noah Webster as a founding father of American English because his 1828 dictionary was the first to include words, meanings and spellings that were unique to the United States. But another 19th-century American was Webster's equal as a linguistic pioneer: Mark Twain.
As his biographer Ron Powers has observed, Twain was a "...Read more
Joy to the Word!
There's no place like tome for the holidays! These new books will delight the word lovers on your shopping list and you as well.
Start the new year right with "The Grammar Daily -- 365 Quick Tips for Successful Writing" (St. Martin's Griffin, $19) by Mignon Fogarty, creator of the popular Grammar Girl podcast. This tip-of-the-day book, ...Read more