


Today's Word "mantra"

Repeated word or phrase on

Published in Vocabulary

mantra \MAN-truh\ (noun) - 1 : A sound, word, or phrase that is repeated in prayer and is believed to have mystical powers. 2 : An often repeated word or phrase that is closely associated with something; a slogan, byword, or a watchword.

"Well beyond the mantra that 'customer service was job one,' the company utlilized a top-down approach that assured that everyone was served quickly and enthusiastically."


From Sanskrit mantra (thought, formula). Ultimately from Indo-European root men- (to think) which is the source of mind, mnemonic, mosaic, music, mentor, money, and mandarin.


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Darrin Bell Michael Ramirez David M. Hitch Jimmy Margulies Christopher Weyant 1 and Done