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Mongolian Beef

Chris Lytle, Plan Z’s VP of Anger Management (and Zola’s husband) on

The most calming thing I’ve read since the pandemic started is "You are not a teetering contraption." While George Will wrote it, he spends most of the article quoting Bill Bryson’s book, The Body, A Guide for Occupants.

Will writes, “Worrying,” wrote Lewis Thomas, “is the most natural and spontaneous of all human functions.” Thomas -- physician, philosopher, essayist, administrator (dean of the Yale and New York University medical schools, head of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) -- thought we worry too much about our health, as though a human being is “a teetering, fallible contraption, always needing watching and patching, always on the verge of flapping to pieces.”

So at this worrisome moment, fill your idle hands with Bill Bryson’s 2019 book, The Body: A Guide for Occupants. It will fill your mind with reasons for believing that you are not flimsy, even though ‘we are just a collection of inert components.’ Including seven billion billion billion (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) atoms, not one of which cares a fig about you. In the time it took to read this far into this sentence, your busy body manufactured one million red blood cells that will surge through you every 50 seconds — 150,000 times (a hundred or so miles) before, in about four months, they die and are replaced for the greater good, meaning: for you.

Will concludes: “The brain does not always generate prudent choices, but it did rid the world of the most devastating disease, smallpox, which, Bryson reminds us, ‘infected nearly everyone who was exposed to it and killed about 30 percent of victims’ -- about half a billion in the 20th century...

Read the full column at

Mongolian Beef


There’s no need to order out! This tastes better than any take out I’ve had!

Servings: Serves 3 – 4. Doubles easily.


For the beef:
1 1/2 lbs steak, cut across the grain into 1/4-inch strips. You can choose anything from flank steak to NY Strip or even rib eye; just depends on how tender you want it and how much money you want to spend.
2 Tbl cornstarch
2 Tbl peanut oil


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