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Beef Stew In A Dutch Oven

Zola on

Up until now I have been hunkering down. For me that means I’m practicing social distancing. I limit my trips to the grocery store and the gas station. I wash my hands like a mad woman.

Now I am in the final stages of locking down. Hunkering down is not easy. Locking down is going to be HARD. But we have to do it.

In my case I am planning for a three-week stretch of working in isolation; keeping my inner circle to just a few people I work with and my husband of course.

I am taking one more trip to the grocery store to stock up on provisions. Then I am going to spend a chunk of my days channeling my inner Julia Child. I plan to make large batches of a few dishes and plan to rotate them. I am making things that will taste wonderful right from the freezer. Thaw and heat.

I am going to share some of those recipes with you case you want to join me in stocking up on good food that will make the next few weeks more pleasurable than gnawing on beef jerky. I am here to give you inspiration...

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Beef Stew in a Dutch Oven

I’m Irish, so beef stew was a staple in our family. Trouble is, there are a lot of carbs in most beef stew recipes. Beyond the meat, all the other additions in most stew recipes are high carb. So, I adjusted this recipe to keep the carbs down and introduce other low carb veggies into the mix. I included carrots but cut way back on the amount; leaving just enough for color. I reduced the amount of potato and subbed C-size potatoes for russets. A small, C-size potato is lower carb than a fully grown russet. If you want to stay low-carb, follow these proportions and you can be happy eating beef stew and still maintain your weight at a stable level.

Servings: Serves 4, can be doubled easily.



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