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Simple Sangria

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Summer Sippers

When the sun comes out and the air warms up, people want to get out on their deck. They want to be poolside if they have a pool. And everyone wants something tasty to drink.

Some people call them their summer sippers. Some call it a tasty beverage. Some just pop open a beer. Not all these drinks contain alcohol, but it sure would be nice if we could have options that don’t add a lot of weight gain.

I have some ideas.

Let’s start with tradition. Lemonade.

Now there’s a scary drink.


An 8 oz glass of lemonade made the old-fashioned way with sugar is 38 grams of carbs. That’s the equivalent of a half day of carbs in one glass. Not happening. Not in my lifestyle.

So try this recipe made with stevia drops...

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Simple Sangria


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