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Simple Sangria

Zola on

Summer Sippers

When the sun comes out and the air warms up, people want to get out on their deck. They want to be poolside if they have a pool. And everyone wants something tasty to drink.

Some people call them their summer sippers. Some call it a tasty beverage. Some just pop open a beer. Not all these drinks contain alcohol, but it sure would be nice if we could have options that don’t add a lot of weight gain.

I have some ideas.

Let’s start with tradition. Lemonade.

Now there’s a scary drink.

An 8 oz glass of lemonade made the old-fashioned way with sugar is 38 grams of carbs. That’s the equivalent of a half day of carbs in one glass. Not happening. Not in my lifestyle.

So try this recipe made with stevia drops...

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Simple Sangria


This is a Z3 (ZReboot) recipe. Refreshing and beautiful. This can be made with red wine, white wine, or I like the look of the rosé. Your choice.


1 bottle of wine (rosé) 750 ml
¾ cup of vodka
1 orange, juiced
2 tsp of liquid stevia drops or to taste. You might get away with less or if you are serving to “sweet” guests you might need one more tsp.
1 orange sliced into rounds
1 lemon sliced into rounds
1 lime sliced into rounds
½ cup of berries. Your choice. I used raspberries and blackberries.
1 small peach, cut into chunks


In a large pitcher add the wine, vodka, juice, and stevia. Mix thoroughly. Then add your fruit. Stir again.

You want to let this sit and chill for at least 30 minutes. It’s even better if you make it hours ahead. I take a wooden spoon and sort of poke at the fruit to release some of the juices. It gets better over time but you want to drink it while the wine is still fresh tasting.

If you want to stretch this recipe further for a party you can serve sparkling sangria by adding a can or two of sparkling water. A couple of cups would be fine.

Serve in a fancy glass over ice.





Ed Gamble Lee Judge Boondocks 9 Chickweed Lane Dana Summers Cul de Sac