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My Mom's Meatloaf

Zola on

80 Grams -- A Day in a Low Carb Life

There is no number set in stone that tells you how many grams of carbs you can eat per day before you begin to gain weight. It all depends on your body; your height, weight, activity level and metabolic rate. Everyone wants a number, but you can’t have one. For each of us that number is unique.

I will tell you this though. Over the past few years I have come to know that the average human, (male or female) can usually consume, on average, about 80 grams of carbs per day and stay in a safe zone.

Some people are fanatic and get off on keeping the number as low as possible. Nothing “carby” passes by their lips. To them I say… Bravo.

Other people find that lifestyle too restrictive and without room to maneuver.

I’m somewhere in the middle.


What I thought I’d do today is lay out what an average day of eating and carb count looks like for me NOW and what it looked like in the ‘old days’ (before I developed Plan Z, the diet by Zola).

Read the full column at

My Mom's Meatloaf

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