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Cheesy Scallop Bake

Zola on

Editor's Note: We think you'll enjoy today's previously published Zola classic...

In the 30-plus years that I’ve been gardening I’ve learned a lot about what I can handle and what I can’t. For instance, I quit planting vegetables and fruits decades ago. Seems odd for a food writer, doesn’t it?

But here’s the story. Early on I planted strawberries. They surrounded my little pond and looked beautiful. I looked forward each day to being able to pick the riper ones. I planned to do it when I got home from work. Well, “somebody” beat me to it, day after day, after day.

I’d drive in my driveway and look up in the tree. There was a big, fat squirrel looking back at me, his faced stuffed with strawberries; the same strawberries I had planned to pick. As I waved my fist at him, he’d pop each individual strawberry out of this mouth, hold it in his little paws and munch on it. If squirrels could laugh…

The bunnies ate my lettuce...

Read the full column at


Cheesy Scallop Bake

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French Country Creamy-Cheesy Chicken Casserole

This dish is similar to the fancy French dish called Coquilles St. Jacques but it’s much easier to make. Simple ingredients, a little sautéing and then pop it under the broiler. With a salad and side veggie this is fancy enough to serve to company.

Servings: Serves 3 to 4 (depending on serving size). Can be doubled and served from a 9-by-13-inch casserole dish.


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