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Environmental Nutrition: Seeds to the rescue

Matthew Kadey, Environmental Nutrition on

There is an old saying that “great things come in small packages” — a way of expressing that the size of something does not always properly indicate its value. When it comes to edible seeds and their role in our diet, this surely holds true. Don’t let their diminutive size fool you: “In many cases, the nutritional make-up of seeds rivals that of nuts,” says Julie Andrews, MS, RDN, The Gourmet RD. “Each seed has a unique nutrition profile, but they’re all similar in the sense that they’re very nutritious.”

So, it’s a shame that nuts get the lion’s share of research dollars and attention in our kitchens. Not only are pumpkin, sesame and other seeds dense in minerals, healthy fats, antioxidants and other nutritional goodies, they are also delicious and undeniably versatile in the kitchen. So, with that said, here are the ones to sprinkle into your diet every which way.

Strengthen bones with sesame seeds

You might be surprised to learn that sesame seeds are a good non-dairy source of calcium with a tablespoon providing about 10% of the daily need. “Bones store calcium and it’s an essential mineral for maintaining bone mass,” notes Andrews.

Sesame seeds also supply good amounts of copper, a mineral needed for proper energy production and neurotransmitter synthesis. Sesame seeds with the husk intact are referred to as unhulled and are golden in color, while those with the husk removed are considered hulled and are off-white. Andrews says that the unhulled variety will have a bit more calcium. There is also a black variety of unhulled sesame seed, which has a deeper flavor and more crunch as well as higher antioxidant levels. When sesame seeds are blended into a creamy spread you get trendy tahini.

Tame hunger with chia seeds


What these seeds lack in size they make up for with impressive amounts of soluble fiber. When the soluble fiber in chia mixes with fluids in your stomach, it turns gel-like, which slows down food digestion to create a sense of fullness. So, chia could be a way to help put the brakes on overeating. “Soluble fiber also slows the absorption of sugar to help better regulate blood sugar levels,” Andrews adds. Small but mighty chia seeds also supply a bounty of heart-healthy omega-3 fat and bone-benefiting phosphorus. Chia is available in both black and white hues, but important nutritional differences have not been shown.

Drop blood pressure with pumpkin seeds

The only time you eat these seeds shouldn’t be when pulled from your Halloween pumpkin. Often called pepitas when they’re hulled to reveal their green interiors, crunchy pumpkin seeds are a great way to boost your intake of magnesium, an often underconsumed nutrient that has been linked to improved blood pressure numbers, which may translate into a lower risk for cardiovascular events like stroke.

Magnesium may increase the production of nitric oxide — a signaling molecule that relaxes blood vessels. The salubrious seeds are also a reliable source of vitamin K, which we need to make proteins involved in blood clotting and bone metabolism. As with other seeds and nuts, select unsalted pumpkin seeds to keep your sodium intake in check.


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