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The Kitchn: A sparkly, spangly Fourth of July flag cake for your holiday celebration

Meghan Splawn, on

One of my favorite annual traditions is making this super-simple flag cake with my daughter. Yes, turning a cake into an American flag is somewhat cliché, but if you consider this the best way to dress up berry shortcake then it’s as fun to make as it is to share.

This charming, whipped cream-frosted cake has a colorful surprise inside. It’s what makes this vanilla-cake-meets-berry-shortcake recipe stand out from the rest.

To make a big impact, portions of the batter are dyed red and blue and then swirled into the pan to create a patriotic surprise inside.

A sweetened whipped cream is the best topping for this cake, as it complements both the cake and the berries. Use blueberries and sliced strawberries to decorate the top of the cake.

Flag Cake

Serves 16


For the cake:

Cooking spray

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar


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