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My Pet World: Being diligent will only get your cat to stop his annoying behavior

By Marc Morrone, Tribune Content Agency on

I am not sure if this is mimicry or actual problem solving -- dogs have been proved in laboratory situations to mimic human actions but to my knowledge this has yet to be proven with cats.

At any rate-the problem is that your clothes are all over the floor and what can you do about it. Well the same kind of locks that you put on cabinets to keep babies out of them are about all you can do here.

I would also give the cats some kind of other enrichment that mimics the fun they have by going through the dresser so they do not miss doing it so much. A big cat tree with those carpeted tunnels on them is great and even a simple thing like a few cardboard boxes with holes cut in the sides and half filled with the crumpled newspapers is a great substitute for playing in clothes draws.

Q: We got a baby guinea pig for Christmas for my son and we are very happy with him, but we have a question about his feet. On his back feet he has three toes that seem fine but on each foot is a very small toe that is loose and floppy and does not seem to work at all. We were wondering if this was a big problem or not? -- Judy Miller, Orlando, FL

A: Guinea Pigs typically have four toes on the two front feet and only three on the back. So those extra toes on the back feet that you see are vestigial toes that we call dew claws. You usually see them on dogs and cats, but I have seen them on guinea pigs from time to time.


Dewclaws that occur on the back legs of any animals serve no purpose at all and usually cause few problems. You do have to keep a close eye on the nail, which tend to overgrow quickly and need to be trimmed periodically by a person proficient in claw trimming such as a groomer or vet.


(Marc Morrone has kept almost every kind of animal as a pet for the last half-century and he is happy to share his knowledge with others. Although he cannot answer every question, he will publish many of those that have a general interest. You can contact him at; please include your.)





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