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My Pet World: Careful conditioning can convert scaredy-dog

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

LAS VEGAS, NV -- This week, experts attending the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas, NV, Feb.15-19, have answered your queries:

Q: My Chihuahua growls constantly at my boyfriend, even snapping at times. My boyfriend does give him treats, or tries to, but the dog is scared. My dog seems to respond this way to all males. How can I get him to stop? -- N.S., via cyberspace

A: "Put yourself in your dog's position -- a vulnerable small dog and big boyfriend; it's intimidating," says Dr. Michael Paul, who resides in Anguilla.

Perhaps, your dog wasn't socialized to men at a young age, or for whatever reason, is afraid of dudes. You certainly have the right idea as far as your boyfriend offering the dog treats. However, the problem may lie in the way he does this. Imagine a 30-foot giant with a scary giant voice (how your boyfriend may appear to your dog) coming up to you with $100. You might run and hide, despite the lure of the cash! But what if he left a few bills around for you to pick up, then walked away? That's a different story.

Whenever your boyfriend arrives, have him toss small tidbits of hot dog, low-salt cold cuts or cheese to your dog, then simply walk off. Also, have him deliver your dog's meals, then walk away. When he walks away, the perceived threat disappears.

"On walks, have your boyfriend take the leash sometimes," Paul suggests. "Over time, your dog will feel more comfortable." Indeed, walking is a bonding experience.


When your boyfriend watches TV or reads at your home, have him sit on the floor, which is less threatening than standing. Then allow your dog to make the call, and visit with your friend only if and when he desires.

If this advice doesn't pan out, contact a veterinary behaviorist (, a veterinarian with a special interest in behavior, or a certified dog behavior consultant (


Q: My cat is moody. Since we adopted him, we've had a problem with him biting to show his displeasure and annoyance, particularly toward me. He gets so vicious sometimes that I have to lock myself in the bedroom until he calms down. We hope to have children soon, so we're concerned. Any advice? -- D.A., Palatine, IL


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