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My Pet World: Termination of Therapy Dog Program for PTSD Vets is Baffling

By Steve Dale, Tribune Media Services on

Scientists around the world have confirmed that for some conditions a wagging tail might help more than a pharmaceutical. One such condition is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

There are scientific studies (though limited in number) that support the positive effects of dogs paired with veterans diagnosed with PTSD, and literally thousands of real-life anecdotal instances.

"I couldn't handle it anymore; I was pushing away people I loved," says Ray Galmiche, a Vietnam War vet with PTSD in Navarre, Fla. "I don't know what would have happened to me if it wasn't for Dazzle (a German Shepherd Dog)." He added that is not too melodramatic to say that his service dog saved his life.

A few years ago, Congress mandated that additional scientific study be conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on the impact of service dogs paired with PTSD vets. The study, launched in June 2011, was to follow 230 PTSD vets and their service dogs, tracking them and their families through 2014.

After enrolling fewer than two dozen dogs, the VA just announced that it has suspended the study. What's more, the VA indicated that it no longer will support service dogs paired with veterans diagnosed with PTSD (and instead will only support dogs partnered with veterans with visible disabilities).

This move apparently even took Congress by surprise. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) was so affronted, he quickly held a press conference and issued a press release. Schumer replied to a request for further comment via email:


"It's of the utmost importance that we provide our vets with every option available to treat service related ailments. For some vets who suffer from PTSD and other mental illnesses, this means service dogs. Especially as the wars are winding down, and more and more soldiers are returning home with mental trauma, the VA must continue to allow their doctors and mental health professionals to provide benefits to veterans who need mental health service dogs."

According to the VA, there are about 400,000 veterans currently in treatment for PTSD, and among that group, rates of divorce, substance abuse and unemployment exceed that of the general population. The suicide rate for those with PTSD is off the map, with 32 to 39 suicide attempts daily, and about half of the attempts succeeding.

The nonprofit Paws for Purple Hearts is one of several groups that provide certified therapy dogs for PTSD patients. The organization began in 2008, with PTSD-patient veterans helping to train dogs for veterans with physical disabilities. "We immediately learned that the dogs benefited the 'trainers' with PTSD as much the disabled veterans they were eventually paired with," says Robert Porter, CEO/executive director.

In each instance, Porter says, medical professionals at VA Palo Alto Health Care System witnessed dramatic changes among PTSD veterans paired with dogs, including fewer medications (sometimes eliminating them altogether) and an improved quality of life, including fewer flashbacks and nightmares.


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