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Indiana zoo's escaped baby bobcat safely captured


Published in Cats & Dogs News

(UPI) A baby bobcat who escaped from her enclosure at an Indiana zoo was safely captured and returned to the facility, city officials said.

The Michigan City mayor's office previously revealed the 9-month-old bobcat, named Grace, was noticed missing Wednesday from the enclosure she shares with her sister, Hazel, at the Washington Park Zoo.

The mayor's office said Grace was located Thursday near the Guy Foreman Amphitheater in Washington Park and "peacefully captured."

Officials had earlier said Grace did not pose a danger to the public.


"Grace is roughly the size of a large housecat," zoo director Jamie Huss said in a news release. Her prey would range from chipmunks to rabbits and smaller. We are concerned for her safety, and have continued to set live traps and trail cameras in hopes of a sighting and recapture.

It was unclear how Grace managed to get out of the enclosure.

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