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Is your child struggling to master the potty? These 5 takeaways from our panel can help

Kate Sequeira, Los Angeles Times on

Published in Parenting News

Being away from a familiar space like home might also add a bit of anxiety, so it's important to give your child the practice and resources they need to succeed under the pressure.

Potty training can take time. Assess what's working and what isn't.

Don't sweat it if your child has mastered some aspects of potty training but is struggling with others. Some days might feel less productive, and that's normal.

If your child is scared to potty train, talk to them about why. Validate their feelings and let their answers help you problem-solve. Have them drink more water or eat more vegetables and create a more calming environment.

Understand what factors might be affecting their progress. If your child is successfully peeing in the potty, but is struggling to poop, lots of times it's because they've been dealing with constipation since infancy, Smith said. They might not trust the sensation and withhold it, in turn causing more constipation. It's often a trauma imprint, she explained.


If you're worried that your child is still wetting the bed at night, know that it's normal for many kids who are simply not developmentally ready to prevent accidents at night. It's OK to still rely on pull-ups if you need to. Some kids may wet the bed until they reach puberty, Casares said.


This article is part of The Times' early childhood education initiative, focusing on the learning and development of California children from birth to age 5. For more information about the initiative and its philanthropic funders, go to .


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