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Busy Mom Feels The Pressure

Jim Daly on

Q: I'm a wife and mom with two busy school-age kids and a preschooler. I'm also employed full-time. Our family's schedule is packed; there's so much to do that I feel compelled to produce All. The. Time. It's like I have to be Superwoman -- and I feel guilty about not measuring up. Help?!

Jim: Let's just say it: Nobody needs to be able to "do it all." In fact, I think it's overly prideful to think that we can. That approach to life produces unhealthy and destructive stress.

Our counselors here at Focus on the Family have suggested a few strategies for minimizing strain:

-- Don't feel pressured to produce every time you have a block of free time. For example, turn your preschooler's weekend naptime into "you" time and engage in some self-care.

-- Involve the older kids in family decision-making and household chores. Give them a chance to help you bear the burden.

-- Consider strategically limiting your children's extracurricular activities to one or two favorites. With less running around, you'll hopefully find more quality time for family togetherness.


-- Connect with other working moms. Share ideas, meal prep and organizational tips, and suggestions for fun things to do as a family. Save time by joining a carpool.

-- Be sure to regularly set aside time to connect with your husband. Even if your marriage is solid, regular date nights will strengthen the bond between you and benefit your entire family.

-- Along those lines, assess your family's priorities. Are you chasing after unnecessary material things but losing your connections in the process?

When it's all said and done, one of the best things you can do for yourself, your marriage, and your entire household is to keep life simple. Make a goal to breathe deeply, smell the flowers, and enjoy everyday pleasures. And don't get down on yourself if you can't do it all -- nobody can.


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