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Answer Angel: Eyebrow dye

Ellen Warren, Tribune News Service on

Published in Fashion Daily News

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: Since you wrote recently that women are returning to hair rollers, my question to you is do these Velcro rollers that I hear about online damage one’s hair? I know what Velcro can do to sweaters if it is nearby, even by mistake. Or is another roller going to protect hair better than the Velcro? My hairdresser tells me my hair is quite damaged from years of pulling it back with the covered elastic bands. I do not want to do more damage with the wrong rollers.

-- Ruthie K.

Dear Ruthie: I received this rave from reader Diane O.: “As someone who has curled her hair all her life, going to bed in curlers every night, I just wanted to suggest foam rollers for comfort! A set costs about $9 on Amazon.”

These won’t damage your hair. But, to answer your question, Velcro is terrible for your hair.

And three readers who feel their bra/swimsuit needs are ignored by designers and manufacturers and are hoping for reader tips to help them out:

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: I have just read the recommendations in your column from your readers for wireless bras. Like some of the responders, I want a bra that separates the breasts -- not a unibra. To complicate what I am looking for, I am a 34 DD/DDD. None of your readers’ suggestions make a bra in my size. I guess us small gals with large breasts are just out of luck.


--Carol B.

Diane S. is in a similar fix: “Much information and much store floor space is devoted to women with large breasts. I am not an overweight woman but my shoulders are broad and my chest size is a 40. Unfortunately my cup size is an A. I've been everywhere including online and done everything I can to find a wireless bra that fits. Even stores that advertise that they will fit me properly end up saying there is no bra anywhere made in my size. Please help!"

From M.M.: “I’m an overweight woman with small A cup breasts. Finding a bathing suit to fit is a nightmare even when I can order a separate top and bottom. A one-piece is much worse. To fit my chest circumference, the cups are always huge on me like I’m wearing a buoyant life preserver.”

Readers, please come to the rescue of Carol, Diane and M.M.!

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