Senior Living



Al Diaz/Miami Herald/TNS

‘You are a legend’: After 65 years, this high school counselor is retiring

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Dan Finora, 90, credits his time in the military for giving him the discipline to wake up every morning at 5:30 am for the past 65 years to get ready for work at Coral Gables High School.

After a decades-long career, Finora, beloved school counselor and former business manager of Coral Gables High School will pack up his ...Read more

Al Diaz/Miami Herald/TNS

'You are a legend': After 65 years, this high school counselor is retiring

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Dan Finora, 90, credits his time in the military for giving him the discipline to wake up every morning at 5:30 am for the past 65 years to get ready for work at Coral Gables High School.

After a decades-long career, Finora, beloved school counselor and former business manager of Coral Gables High School will pack up his ...Read more

Monica Herndon/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Positively ballroom, absolutely fabulous: In these dance classes for the blind, grace and rhythm rule the night

It may have been an ordinary Wednesday night everywhere else in the Delaware Valley. But on one dance floor in Haddonfield, New Jersey, disco fever was alive and well.

“One-two-three-four and circle!” called out instructor Gene LaPierre, as 10 pairs of dancers twirled to the 1970s dance classic “The Hustle.”

Carmella Smith of West Oak ...Read more


New help for dealing with aggression in people with dementia

Caring for older adults with dementia is stressful, especially when they become physically or verbally aggressive, wander away from home, develop paranoia or hallucinations, engage in inappropriate or repetitive behaviors, or refuse to let caregivers help them.

Upward of 95% of patients experience these neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia, ...Read more

Monica Herndon/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Positively ballroom, absolutely fabulous: In these dance classes for the blind, grace and rhythm rule the night

It may have been an ordinary Wednesday night everywhere else in the Delaware Valley. But on one dance floor in Haddonfield, New Jersey, disco fever was alive and well.

“One-two-three-four and circle!” called out instructor Gene LaPierre, as 10 pairs of dancers twirled to the 1970s dance classic “The Hustle.”

Carmella Smith of West Oak ...Read more


New help for dealing with aggression in people with dementia

Caring for older adults with dementia is stressful, especially when they become physically or verbally aggressive, wander away from home, develop paranoia or hallucinations, engage in inappropriate or repetitive behaviors, or refuse to let caregivers help them.

Upward of 95% of patients experience these neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia, ...Read more

Kathy Witt/Kathy Witt/TNS

Travel Trending with Kathy Witt: Windstar’s Tahiti is closer and more remote than you think

I’m standing waist-deep in the clear blue waters of the caldera off the shoreline of Bora Bora, munching passion fruit, sipping a rum punch and watching our guide, Sebastian, hack a coconut in two. Watching manatees floating beneath the surface and luxuriating in the lagoon’s gentle swish-swish, I realize that this is what a vacation should ...Read more

K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal/TNS

‘A very nice place to grow up’: Centenarian returns home to Nevada town

GOLDFIELD, Nevada — On a breezy day in this tiny burg, Helen McLeod gazed up at her old school.

The steep, blue steps leading up to the entrance were built to look just like the ones she sat upon with school friends back in the 1920s and ’30s.

Just days before her 103rd birthday on Friday, McLeod had traveled to Goldfield to see the place ...Read more

K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal/TNS

'A very nice place to grow up': Centenarian returns home to Nevada town

GOLDFIELD, Nevada — On a breezy day in this tiny burg, Helen McLeod gazed up at her old school.

The steep, blue steps leading up to the entrance were built to look just like the ones she sat upon with school friends back in the 1920s and ’30s.

Just days before her 103rd birthday on Friday, McLeod had traveled to Goldfield to see the place ...Read more

Francine Orr/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Column: 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' is a big fat lie

LOS ANGELES -- I went to my dentist earlier this year for a regular checkup, and he made a series of observations nobody wants to hear.

I had a cavity.

It was under a crown.

And the crown was next to a wisdom tooth that might have to be yanked to make room for him to saw off the crown and fix the cavity.

So I went to see an oral surgeon, who...Read more

Francine Orr/Los Angeles Times/TNS

'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' is a big fat lie

LOS ANGELES -- I went to my dentist earlier this year for a regular checkup, and he made a series of observations nobody wants to hear.

I had a cavity.

It was under a crown.

And the crown was next to a wisdom tooth that might have to be yanked to make room for him to saw off the crown and fix the cavity.

So I went to see an oral surgeon, who...Read more


Stranded in the ER, seniors await hospital care and suffer avoidable harm

Every day, the scene plays out in hospitals across America: Older men and women lie on gurneys in emergency room corridors moaning or suffering silently as harried medical staff attend to crises.

Even when physicians determine these patients need to be admitted to the hospital, they often wait for hours — sometimes more than a day — in the ...Read more

Nate Pesce/Baltimore Sun/TNS

An unexpected benefit of aging is how people tell you all kinds of stuff

This is my Medicare eligibility year so, naturally, I feel a bit like that home appliance with AI capabilities reaching the end of its warranty. I sense that things are breaking down, but I’m hoping to get years more service before being hauled off to the dump or whatever. I would also happily use the rest of this space to list my various ...Read more


Laid off right before retirement? Here’s what to do next

No one wants to get laid off, let alone five years shy of retirement.

According to a study by ProPublica and the Urban Institute, around 56% of workers over age 50 are let go from a job at least once.

If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, there are steps you can take while waiting for retirement age. According to Forbes, here are...Read more


3 ways to save money for people on a fixed income

Living on a fixed income in 2024 can be a tough task for U.S. retirees.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your budget well into your golden years.


From scaling back on personal possessions to moving into a smaller home, downsizing for retirement is all about improving affordability. Downsizing is not always the right ...Read more


Stranded in the ER, seniors await hospital care and suffer avoidable harm

Every day, the scene plays out in hospitals across America: Older men and women lie on gurneys in emergency room corridors moaning or suffering silently as harried medical staff attend to crises.

Even when physicians determine these patients need to be admitted to the hospital, they often wait for hours — sometimes more than a day — in the ...Read more

Eduardo Contreras/Los Angeles Times/TNS

As some nursing homes cry poverty, what can be done about increased staffing requirements?

If you suspect that you or a loved one might one day end up in a nursing home, and you breathed a sigh of relief when the Biden administration announced increased staffing requirements on April 22, you may need to pull a Larry David and curb your enthusiasm.

Biden's follow-through on an earlier promise was applauded by many, given the dark ...Read more



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