


The God Squad: Happy New Year!

Rabbi Marc Gellman, Tribune Content Agency on

Last Sunday night was the beginning of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and every year at this time I send along to you, my dear readers, a brutally edited short version of my Rosh Hashana sermon. Hope you all have a sweet new year whenever you count its beginning. God bless you.

This is a sermon about bread, but it does not begin in a bakery. It begins in the Temple in Jerusalem where, according to verses in Exodus and Leviticus, among all the holy objects, called in Hebrew the klei kodesh — objects like the ark, the menorah, the altar of sacrifice and the wash basin, there was also a golden table and on this table, there were 12 loaves of unleavened bread, six in one pile, six in the other pile.

The key to understanding God’s message for us in the symbolism of the show bread is to begin with the cultural significance of all bread.

To make bread, the early humans had to settle down from being hunter gatherers and become farmers who grew wheat and barley, which required irrigation for their fields, which required mathematics and geometry, which required raising an army to protect the fields, which required metallurgy. Bread is the beginning of civilization and also a moral challenge to civilization. The distribution of bread to the hungriest is the most important test of the health of a culture.

The show bread is a reminder that just as God feeds us, so must we feed others. We cannot pray to God when we are starving, and if we do pray, we are praying for bread. Hunger wipes out the meaning of any other prayer. As Gandhi famously taught, “To a hungry man God is bread.”

I learned the truth of Gandhi’s teaching one day at the Mary Brennan Inn in West Hempstead, New York, a soup kitchen run by Jean Kelly along with 14 others on Long Island. Father Tom Hartman and I were helping serve lunch one day when a girl named Maria arrived with her mother and little brother. They came from their car, which was also their home. She walked right past the fried chicken and green beans and mashed potatoes and went straight to the dessert tray, which that day featured a cake that had been donated by Emil, the owner of the Black Forest bakery in Lindenhurst, N.Y. It had the words Happy Birthday written in red icing. Emil would have filled in a name for a buyer of the cake, but that day there was no buyer. There was, however, Maria. She stared at the cake and with a huge smile asked me, “How did you know that today was my birthday?” Gandhi was wrong. Sometimes for a hungry person God is bread and sometimes for a hungry little girl God is a birthday cake.


Another story:

A student asks his teacher, "What is the difference between Heaven and Hell?" The teacher responds, "In Hell, all the people are sitting around a huge table filled with every kind of delicious food and fine wine. They can see the food and smell the food and touch the food, but they cannot bring the food to their mouths because their arms are locked and stiff."

"That is indeed Hell," said the student, "And what is Heaven like?"

The teacher responded, "In Heaven, all the people are sitting around a huge table filled with every kind of food and fine wine. They can see the food and they can smell the food and they can touch the food, but they cannot bring the food to their mouths because their arms are locked and stiff."


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