


Why was Cain’s offering to God unacceptable?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why was Cain’s offering to God unacceptable? Didn’t he give the best of the labor of his hands and isn’t this what God wants from us, to come just as we are and give our best? – M.W.

A: The song “Just as I Am” presents the strongest Biblical basis for the call of Christ. It repeats many of the reasons a person should respond when the Spirit of God speaks. The first stanza has captured the truth of the entire hymn. We should feel free to come to God because He has invited us to come, and because Jesus died on the cross in order to reconcile us to His Father. It is the work and sacrifice of Christ alone on the cross that provides our salvation. We bring nothing, but we humble ourselves in repentance and receive His salvation.

All people who come into the world – whether in Christian or pagan cultures, civilized or primitive cultures – have the same innate awareness of God. They want to approach God and to be accepted by Him. The book of Genesis tells us that Cain, son of Adam, came to God with an offering of fruit and grain produced by and through his own hard work. But God did not recognize him. Cain’s brother Abel approached God to worship with the sacrifice of an animal, as God had decreed; Able was welcomed and accepted by God.

People still have a hard time giving up the idea that God will accept them because they are good and decent, or because they have done good works for others or the church. But the Bible says that we have “no plea” before God – no claim on His love or His forgiveness – except that Jesus shed His blood for us. God accepts the sacrifice made by His own sinless Son.


Only God can pardon and cleanse us, in order to make us presentable before God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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