Life Advice



Online Acquaintance Asks For A Closer Relationship

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I'm a 70-year-old Black woman who looks about 45 or 50. I recently met a man online while playing dominoes. We have been chatting back and forth for about two weeks now. He is 44, is of German descent and has a 9-year-old son. The problem is, he wants to have a relationship with me.

I have told him I'm 26 years older than he is, my ...Read more

Mother, Daughter Spar Over Parenting Styles

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I am raising a granddaughter. We went to visit her aunt and cousin and had a nice day until my granddaughter told her aunt she should let her 5-year-old pick out her own clothes. My daughter became enraged and told me I had to teach my granddaughter to respect adults. I told my daughter I didn't think she should tell me how to raise ...Read more

Woman Shamefully Targets Man With Disabilities

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My son "Ethan" is a visually impaired adult with disabilities. He's articulate, down to earth and joyful to be around. He's a homeowner in a nice area of town.

A woman we met through the Nextdoor app bought an expensive winter coat from us very cheap. She and her husband know Ethan is in Special Olympics and awaiting a guide dog. She...Read more

Man's Fondness For Porn Is A Turnoff For Partner

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I met this man online a year and a half ago. We have been together ever since. There is a serious problem with him watching porn. When we met, I knew he was doing it when I was not with him. He knows I'm not happy about it, and he tried for a while to keep it hidden from me. More recently, he would watch it and then want to come get ...Read more

Widower Struggles To Find A Way Forward

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I was married to a wonderful woman for 27 happy years until she passed last year. We did everything together. Now I feel lonely and depressed. We had a sweet furry guy named Maxx who was our whole world. I lost Maxx a few months ago, and I am devastated.

I'm a very hardworking man. After losing my family, I feel lifeless -- like the ...Read more

Aging Father Has Made Plans For Assets And Possessions

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I'm a single retired grandfather in the South. My daughter, 50, has hitched her wagon to an alcoholic. She's circling the drain and going down with him.

My grandsons are adults and scattered around the country. They are lazy and none of them has a full-time job. We used to keep them during the summers until their mid-teens. Now I don...Read more

Drug Addiction, Violence Are Tearing Family Apart

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My elderly father died recently. Although he had a variety of ailments, including heart disease, his death was unexpected. He spent many years of his life trying to save my drug-addicted, criminal sister from herself. Despite occasional periods of sobriety, she has invariably returned to her evil ways.

Three days before Dad passed, ...Read more

Adult Daughter Has Cut Off Contact With Family Members

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My older daughter, "Brianna," age 42, does not want anything to do with me or her brother and sister-in-law. She keeps me from my granddaughter, who is 17. I have been divorced since the '90s and remarried for 25 years. My first husband was a cheater. I tried very hard to save my first marriage. We got back together six months later, ...Read more

Kind Gesture By Couple Turns Flat Into Friend's Love Nest

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I rented an apartment six weeks ago. A friend of his needed a place to stay due to some marital problems, so we decided she could stay with us. At the beginning, she offered us $500, and we agreed to that. Abby, she hasn't paid us a dime. She has chipped in maybe $30 for food.

She sleeps all day and sits in her room ...Read more



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