Life Advice



Ask Amy: Needy teacher must learn how to read people

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

– Not a Therapist

Dear Not: You don’t mention the content of the contact this person is pestering you with. If she is emailing or texting asking for advice and you don’t want to engage, you can respond, politely – “I’m sorry I can’t help you with this. I hope you find some resolution!”

If she contacts you wanting to get together, and you’ve already told her that you aren’t available, then she needs to reread through her previous messages and get a clue.

You’ve already invited her to reschedule, but you’ve decided to end the relationship instead. If she contacts you saying, “I think you’re probably back from your travels, so can you get together?” You can respond: “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline. Life is getting in the way.”

After that, you might have to be more direct.

Dear Amy: I’ve been with “Bobby” for two years.


We got married last year (very quietly), but haven’t done the celebration part yet with family and friends.

We are planning our celebration, and will hold it in four months.

My husband’s sister (my new sister-in-law) hasn’t congratulated us or given us anything like a card or gift.

Maybe she will do these things at the actual celebration, but I’m not sure.


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